This is my referral Link to a great game 

This is a similar site, this is ANNO 1777

What if someone told you you could make a little money with no investment other than some of your time? That you could play a fantasy “tycoon” or “ecommerce” game and actually make a little profit from it? They would say its a con. To date, I have little reason to believe ANNO1777 is a con although I haven’t actually been paid or earned enough to get paid. At this stage, I am not going to focus too much on how much you can earn. I am just going to review it as if it were a game that had no financial element to it. And even here it stands up pretty well.

Anno 1777 is a text based browser game, a kind of game I usually care for as little as *most* online MMRPG or *most* realtime strategy games where you have a square plot of land…..! Usually, I find them boring, they often have far too many fields to keep track of and they are more about logging in every day than your own tactical nouse. Indeed they are supposed to be fun but are often counterintuitive and baffling to the new user, which is why I often avoid them like the plague

Anno 1777 is, thankfully, unlike the typical browser based game or the other categories of game I just lambasted. Anno177 has a simple way of earning money, to earn money you “work” or fight. Fighting wins you a slave,if your attack is higher or equal to their defence.If your country has sufficient money in the budget you will recive a bonus for fighting, bonuses are effictively state paid benefits.

I have briefly explained what fighting is, now I will describe “work”. A player can work once a day, by going to the work tab on the left hand side of the webpage, its quite near the top of the available menu’s. The player earns a wage in their local currency. Taking myself as an example the typical wage you receive is around 8 virtual pounds a day, if you were to posses 100% efficiency but at the start of your adventure, you do not have 100% efficiency. The first thing a new player should do after working for one day is rent a house, I did not and this was much to my cost.

I have talked a lot about efficency, but what is efficiency? It is the product of your wellness and economic score multiplied together and divided by two. Ah you ask, what is wellness and economic score? Economic score is a reflection of how often you have worked, it decreases by one each day but increase by 2 for each day you have worked, so log in often enough and it will increase by 1 each day. Wellness is how happy and well fed you are. You can increase it in a number of ways. You can buy food or wine to get an instant, one time boost, this is good but these products are too dear to get for a long time for newer players. You can buy a tv or a for a long lasting, daily boost to wellness but again these are too expensive for the newer player. You can buy a house, of which there are five levels, to get a boost from 5 to 25 wellness points but again these are beyond the reach of the new player.

So It seems everything useful is too expensive? Not so. You can rent a house after just one days work, whats more you can rent a 5 star house for the greatest increase in wellness out of all the houses available, in this game it seems buying one burger is far dearer than renting a house for many years…. Its a strange econmey but and we must not forget it is a game after all!

Another piece of crucial information is that you must fight each day before you work as you can’t fight once you start work till you have finished work in 8 hours. You should also sell your slaves for 0.01 gold once you win the fight (achieved by going to the fight tab then selecting the sub tab “slave”,. After a few weeks of playing daily, you should have acrued enough funds to block all your slaves and then you can charge more gold for them! Particularly the ones that actually earn you money (not all players login often).

As for yourself working everyday is a great way of getting your master to block you, which benefits him because he has someone earning a stream of money for him and it benefits you because you can’t be attacked thus you lose less wellness points each day allowing you to aquire capital in a more timely fashion.
If you buy shares or convert your money from one currency to another in the game be sure to make a note of the number you purchased, all of the games exchange rates at the time (if converting money) the share price at that time (if purchasing shares) in order to not lose money.

For what its worth at the time of writing this review on the game it took 44 pounds to convert to 1 gold which you would then need four of to get 1 euro, thus 184 game pounds = 1 virtual euro = 80 pence, as I Earned at the first weeks around 4 virtual pounds a day I was making a massive 0.017 pounds per day, 1.7 pence each day, talk about slave labour…. Lol.


It is free to play however if you have the money or just want to have more fun you can invest a little money by wire, bank transfer, paypal or SMS. The currency of the game is Euro as it is a European game ran of servers in romainia.


Its great fun, a the basic premises are easy to understand and the game can be played by both geeky or financial types as well as the more casual player who doesn’t begin to want to assess exactly how setting the various tax rates, bonus rates and other budgetry considerations affect the overall state of the economy in the game. Also as it can be played in the moring before going to work, just log in click work and then your done, it is not too time consuming but is still adictive as you can fight many times before and after finishing work in the game it can appeal to players with limited time on their hands and those who whish to divert a bit more of their focus to it. Whilst your fighting you can do other things on the web, or attempt to work or study!

Would I recommend this game?

Yes I have had enjoyment from it and I feel this game could even be used as a tool for those studying accountancy, economics and business studies at senior school level or university level as a way to understand what factors influence markets, and how investment,debt and somewhat equitable distribution of money are absolutely required for a growing economy and prosperity in my view. One of its best selling points is its suprising flexabiltiy, it can be a thing you play with for 20-30 minutes a day, something you do whilst browsing other sites or it can become your main focus, especially when you have enough cash to run your own company! A lot of products aim to be all things to all men, well in this case they wouldn’t be lying if they did a video claiming just that. This game can be whatever you want it to be!


This review is an redrafted work please check back to see updates, it is also not aiming to become sponsored, though this may chance at any time, if it does this blurb will correspondingly change too!

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